Saturday, February 20, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Get A Manicure Pedicure Interesting Survey! Please Take?

Interesting survey! Please take? - how long does it take to get a manicure pedicure

What is your favorite baby name?
Girl: Get manicure / pedicure?
Guys: The girl angry if manicure / pedicure?
When you were little, what was your favorite?
What do you know how most people do not know?
Would you rather stupid, beautiful or ugly and smart?
2008 was a good year?
How long it takes to ready in the morning?
What is your favorite band / artist?
If you had one wish, what would it be?


ashhh_ma... said...

Girl: Yeah, I know.
"Tom and Jerry.
Ugly and intelligent, you have even more to life.
"It was a year well.
"I wake up and go!
"For a lot of money, so he can take care of myself and my family forever!

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